martes, julio 18, 2006

Every Minute Counts

I continually find myself trying to readjust my schedule. There are certain things that are pretty much set in stone It is a good idea to make an appearance at work at least 4 out of the 5 business days a week; to be a church when service starts; to actually lay in my bed for more than 10 minutes. Each time the prompting to make a very detailed and written schedule is the same: to many things to do and not enough time to do them all. When I create my elaborate life on paper (or my Palm) it seems that everything fits just perfectly. If I really just spend 15 minutes getting ready each morning that would give me a solid 45 minutes for devotion, which would allow for a 2 minute breakfast and a 7.5 minute commute. I usually come out with about 30 minutes worth of wiggle room - and if I cut my sleep by one hour for a total of 4 hours I can occasionally squeeze in one more task. Though I am the master of multi-tasking (said with all humility, of COURSE), my paper life has yet to line up with my real life. At the end of the week when my to-do-list seems to not have moved an inch, I try to see where things went wrong. There are several hours in each day that I can't even begin to account for. What HAPPENED to all of that time when that was carefully scripted? I know what it is: people. If I lived on a planet with just me, myself, and I, I can almost guarantee that I would follow my schedule to a "t". But then I suppose the whole point of following the schedule would be meaningless.
What to do, what to do? Well the only thing to do is to cut out all of the non-essentials and then use the remaining time to actually enjoy the summer. I realize that each of you has probably heard me say this before but I really mean it this time. STOP the hysterical laughing, I DO. I already bought the plane ticket out of here, so you can't stop me. I am going to an undesignated area- which shall remain nameless. I know if I post where I am going someone will find a way to locate me, insisting that their problem is absolutely an emergency. Well SORRY, the number for emergencies is 911, maybe they can assist you. Is that mean and selfish? Well back to life - I have used up my 8 minutes of blogging time and I didn't even get to read everyone else's.

viernes, julio 07, 2006

In loving memory....

My car has finally given up the ghost. I am so sad about it that I decided to work from home today. Not like I really had a choice. Well, I do have a few choices; I can call in all of the favors and get a ride to work, I can take the bus, or I could even walk. In reality my office is only about 4 miles from my house. I decided instead to stay and "work" from home. While I am at it, I better just tell you all about my cars passing.

It was a bright sunny afternoon (yesterday) I was on my way to look at a prime piece of real estate (more on that later) when I decided that I wanted to stop by my house first and pick up a package that I knew was waiting for me. I am about 1/4 mile from the exit when my car breathed its last breath. I was able to pull it over to the side. I noticed that the gas thingy (what is that called) instantly went from 1/4 full to EMPTY. I was not amused. I promptly got on my cell phone, with the help of my very cool looking Bluetooth headset and called people who I thought would be in the area. Go figure everyone was at least 10 miles away, which calculates to about 45 minutes away in Bay-Area-rush-hour-traffic speak. I had to cancel with my realtor who probably hates me now. Oh well.

For those of you that are not blessed to live here in California: our hard earned tax dollars are used to fund a free roadside assistance program, the goal of which is to keep traffic flowing by promptly assisting those that need assistance. They are called highway angels, fitting. So an angel stopped to escort my car out of this life. Actually he first put gas in it, since the gauge (THAT is the word) suddenly said "feed me". When that didn't work he lifted the hood and tried to act like a man. I, on the other hand, had no intention of acting like a grown-up and promptly decided to pout. He said that there was nothing that he could do for it, it was gone. He asking if I was a member of AAA. I seem to remember at least 5, count them FIVE, previous occasions when I insisted that I would immediately sign up, obviously I am a failure because I never did.

I promise that I didn't shed a tear, but I must have looked completely pitiful. He said that he would tow me all the way off of the interstate and to my home. Realizing that he was totally not suppose to do that, I stopped pouting. When we got to my house he pushed my little car into the car port and was on his way. I kicked the car a few times, it was therapeutic. Who knows what is wrong with the thing. I hope that it can be resurrected, or at least that the burial doesn't cost me my life savings.

jueves, julio 06, 2006

Rising Star

I was having dinner with a friend a few nights ago and he made this comment, " You certainly have a way with words. It is like you make me....". I promptly grabbed my ice water, prepped to dump it over his head at the slightest indication that his conversation would turn inappropriate. (I have ALWAYS wanted to do that! Maybe one day...) Unfortunately my water remained firmly planted on the table. He finished by saying that I speak really well (ha ha) but what he really enjoys is my literary genius. All of this brought about by a few emails. I don't think that in the several years of acquaintance he has had the opportunity to view my masterpieces (okay okay, so my blog isn't a masterpeice, but you just wait until I am dead, it will be worth SOMETHING).

Anyway, he convinced me to write an essay and submit it to a local news paper in hopes of being published. I, being one to always seek a challenge, even one totally unrelated to any of my life goals, decided to do it. I never got published, per se. Someone at the paper sent it to someone at the radio. They find it hilarious. It wasn't even a comedic piece. :( Oh well.

It will air soon on one of those ridiculous waste of time talk radio shows. They told me that if it goes by well they might ask me to write more pieces as a regular feature on thier otherwise boring talk radio show. Well the luster of the whole situation is gone, but I might just do it - just to say that I did. Now if they let ME read it on air, that would be fun.
And yes, I DID have a wonderful birthday, thanks for asking. :)