miércoles, abril 12, 2006

I did it!!!

I finally figured out how to do that "thing" that CB does and post a book cover. Simultaneously I also found some time to actually pick out a book to read…great timing.

So this is what I am reading. It is a Christian classic, and I know that many of you are surprised that haven't yet read it, but it is the truth. It comes highly recommended.

Not exactly a fun and witty post, but a post nonetheless. I promise to do better in the near future.

viernes, abril 07, 2006

Power Lunches are for Super Heroes

I had lunch this week with the Director of the local Chamber of Commerce. He chose a lunch venue that is a notorious meeting spot for power lunches. Suffice it to say, I was quite amused. Not that lunch with me is actually a power lunch, but it was fun to be there anyway. I have been to several such meetings, and with many different people, but usually as a tag-along. Its kind of cool to be setting up my own power lunches and inviting key people to tag along with me.
This whole month is full of such meetings. I guess that is what happens when you go to networking events - you end up having to network. It is moments like these that remind me that I am in fact all grown up. You would think that this would have hit home a lot sooner, but truth is I surprise myself quite often with this realization. But have no fear, I can almost guarantee a daily mishap and laps into immaturity.

In other news..........