miércoles, mayo 31, 2006

I bet you thought that I died?

Here is a shout-out to all of you lovely people that actually felt a pang of emotion when I fell off the face of the earth and forgot to blog. Okay, so I didn't actually FORGET to blog, I just didn't do it. But I had good reason - really I did. Have no fear, I am back - sans resurrection.

Congrats to everyone that got married, engaged, pregnant, learned to use the potty, relocated, bought a car, started a new job, and/or bought a new house in my blogging absence. Can you really believe that in the 1.5 months that I ceased to exist as a blogger that each of these events has become a reality for many friends and acquaintances. I am constantly in awe and amazement at the wonderful things going on around me. I guess that it one of the fun things about being alive.

So nothing has changed, I still have NOTHING to say, yet I still love to say it, whatever "it" is.