jueves, noviembre 01, 2007

Resurrection (part IV)

I don't claim to be a "blogger". I know some people that are "bloggers" and I must say that on dull days at work I do appreciate them. Sadly, I can't return the favor. I have not posted on this blog for most of the year, which is really sad. I couldn't even remember how to access it and almost gave up when I FINALLY remembered the password. So why did I decided to join the world of the living blogs (if only temporarily)? No particular reason. So, since I have been away for such a long time I should fill you in. ("You" being my imaginary friends, since my real ones have long ago given up checking my blog for new entries)

A. I went back to school this year. My mother thinks that I have some type of disease that makes me obsessively pursue the title of "student". It is, no doubt, a hereditary disease - my father is inflicted as well. I am a career student, I shall just live with that reality. I decided that, as much as I enjoy law, I really want to be a psychologist. Currently I am about 2/3 finished with my Masters in Psychology, and then I am going straight into the Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) course. I admit...I LOVE it. As part of our course work we have to actually work in the field. I am surprised how many "Christian Psychologist" are just individuals who have personal Christian beliefs but fail to bring those beliefs into their practice. I always saw ads and such for "Christian Psychologist" and assumed that there is an abundance of them. But I am finding that it is very rare to find a Psychologist who brings Christ into his/her practice. But more on that in another entry. (see - I am trying)
I am hoping to complete all of my courses and have all of my California certification hours completed by Summer 2009. We shall see. In the meantime, I am still working at a law firm. I haven't completely given up on the practice of law, it just doesn't hold the same luster that it once did. (for me)

B. Many of you know that in late 2006 I founded a non-profit community based ogranization. It has been a slow start, but we are now offically OPEN!! We offer a great deal of services to our local community including Substance Abuse Recovery Programs, English as a Second Language, Job Skill Training and Placement, and a Food Bank Station. Within this coming year we hope to add several more services and programs as our alliance with other area community organizations and government agencies increases. It has been a difficult year with end to end meetings and lots of networking and fundraising, but God is faithful! How exciting it is to see a longtime vision come into reality. This last quarter has been nothing short of miraculous. The facility, supplies, staff, funding, everything just feel right into place. Definately the gracious hand of our Lord.

So that is it for now. I can't think of anything else to write. And if I do I will save it for another entry, just to give the appearance of life on my blog.


At 5:53 p. m., noviembre 02, 2007, Anonymous Anónimo said...

you are back!!!!!!!!!

At 3:02 p. m., diciembre 12, 2007, Blogger Carrie said...

And I found you! Again! =D


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