martes, marzo 28, 2006

Being sick is no fun at all!

Despite all preventative measures I got the flu. I buckled down and waiting to ride it out for the full 1.5 weeks that everyone was proclaiming. Thankfully it lasted only two days. BUT….I came out of it with a bronchial infection. Basically if you have never had one all that you need to know is 1) it hurts, 2) you cough until you fall over from lack of oxygen flow, 3) there is nothing to do but let it run its course, and 4) its "course" is about 2 weeks. Its icky I hate it and I am very very very tired of coughing fits. My little kitty is so cute, he comes running to investigate the matter every time I have a coughing fit. His name by the way is Armani. Come on now; don't tell me that you are surprised that I named him after a designer line. The other suggestions included Wooster, Mr. Meowsers, Thunder, Storm, and others along those lines. Though all are very cute, none seemed to fit him, so I am officially calling him Armani. He answers to anything, so it is merely a formality for now.

martes, marzo 14, 2006

Welcome Home

My kitten is coming home this week. I have been busy kitty-proofing my home. It is kind of like preparing a home for a baby that just learned to crawl. The exception is that in most cases you are trying to protect your child from the dangerous things that they can get into...with a kitten you are trying to protect your possessions from the dangerous kitten! I have a gorgeous (if I may be so bold) cherry wood dining set. The chairs are upholstered in cream colored brocade patterned silk- I had them specially made. If my new little kitten destroys them there will be a serious fight. I have completely wrapped the legs of the chairs and the table. I was reading that you can train the kitten not to scratch certain surfaces, but until I am confident that he is trained those legs will remained wrapped. Even the piano is wrapped. It looks like I am one of those people that has an abnormal fear of sharp or hard surfaces, everything is softly padded. Kitty has the PERFECT little eating station. I went to the Goodwill and purchased two matching wooded cabinets, they were dirt cheap. I lined the inside with that contact paper that people use for drawers and linen closet shelves (does anyone actually use that stuff anymore? So one is to hold his food and water, with pretty doors to close when company comes over. The other is for his self cleaning litter box which is NOT "self" cleaning...but I will save that discussion for another post. That little cabinet discreetly closes and matches everything else. So cute.
Now what to name the little critter………

lunes, marzo 13, 2006

Santana Row

There is this place down here called "Santana Row". It is 2-3 blocks of nothing but stores. They have an entire store dedicated to Gucci accessories!! Think Rodeo Drive, but tone it down a million bucks. It is about 20 minutes from my house but can you believe that I have NEVER been there?
Amazing, I know. But this weekend I did finally go to Santana Row. The parking is atrocious, in the event you were wondering. I had planned to meet someone for coffee at a quaint little coffee shop on the strip. I arrived 10 minutes early but ended up actually getting to the coffee shop 45 minutes LATE.
I circled and circled the parking garages - nothing. I finally took to the streets and was determined to even attempt a parallel spot (those of you that have driven with me know that was probably not a wise idea) either way, the only spot I found was quickly snatched from me by a more aggressive (and way bigger- vehicle that is) driver.
They had this little parking lot centrally located that actually had slots available. A not so prominent sign stated that it was for valet parking and resident (they have townhouses on the strip...I am SO looking into one of them. They are completely reasonably priced.) None of the cars had stickers or plaques or anything that I could tell to distinguish them from other cars. The only odd thing was that all of the cars were backed into the slots. So I backed my car in and called it a day. I figured they could either ticket me, or tow me. And besides, if I kept circling around and around I would need a tow anyway...I was practically out of gas!
I spent a wonderful afternoon on the strip and came back to my car delighted to see it untouched. I know that I should feel at least a pang of guilt...but I don't. My moral fiber has decayed to the point where I don't feel bad about parking illegally.

jueves, marzo 02, 2006

As the World Turns

I have so far stuck to my resolution to stay out of significant trouble. Not to good with regards to interesting blog material, but definitely great for my longevity greatest accomplishment this week has been successfully rearranging my schedule. I have ingeniously arranged it so that I now have TWO nights a week that I am home before 10pm. Those of you that really know me realize that this is a great accomplishment indeed. Tune in to the 6 o'clock news to hear the fascinating story about....

Yeah, I really am that strapped for content.