miércoles, febrero 08, 2006

Babies, Kittens and an Old Maid...(not the game)

I adopted a little kitten. He is the cutest little thing. All of two weeks old. Of course I can't take him away from his mother yet, so I just have visitation rights for the next few weeks. I hope it doesn't turn into an ugly custody battle - I hate Family Court.
I used to work for a SP that did exclusively family law. The practice itself is okay, assuming you want to handle the drama and inevitable heartbreak. Family court is another issue. If you have ever participated in real court proceedings you are in for a shock when you walk into Family Court. It is literally a zoo, with rules so obscure that they purposely don't write them down to entertain themselves. If you have a hearing in the morning you might as well cancel your dinner plans. But that is completely off topic, how did I get here anyway? Oh yeah, I was telling you about my new little kitty. I haven't named him yet - any suggestions? He is gray & black tiger stripped. Tigger in grayscale.
My mother was completely appalled by the fact that I was getting a cat. Her response was, "shouldn't you get married instead?" WHAT?! I fail to see how those are linked. She believes that I am going to end up the local old maid, in a rundown shanty at the end of town, living with 50 cats. I will finally have my claim to fame when one of my heroic cats somehow manages to save my life in a miraculous scenario. When it comes to more grandkids (she has 5 already!!!) my mother certainly lacks the virtue of patience. Speaking of the little ones, I will have to post some pictures.

Aren't they cute?! They look just like me. Three are my older brother's, two are my younger brother's. So cute!

Me gusta gatos y bebés, pero todos en la misma casa no es bueno.


At 11:34 a. m., febrero 09, 2006, Blogger Carrie said...

OH. MY. GOODNESS. The kitten is SO. CUTE. Lots of ".'s" just for emphasis. Wowee. Cuteeeness. AAAH! Help!

The kids are cute too, btw.


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