lunes, febrero 06, 2006


I admit that is was probably a bad idea from me to stop blogging in the first place, but BackBlogging!? Isn't that a bit extreme?

After facing severe peer pressure, social rejection and outright humiliation I have decided to resurrect my blog. Technically "resurrect" is an incorrect term. I could not remember my original blog information and had to start anew. The prospect of never again having to verbally repeat my life story 15 times in 2 hours was enough to get me typing.

Nonetheless, in announcing my decision to once again become a blogger, I was confronted with the theory of backblogging. Supposedly the Blogging Rules of Ethics require that I not only religiously blog from this point forward, but I also dedicate the first few blogs to summarizing the last year of my life for my faithful readers. My saving grace is that I have no faithful readers! So does that mean that I don't have to worry about backblogging? I hope so, but just in case: I am alive, I am well, I am happy. That is probably all that need be said.


At 11:45 a. m., febrero 07, 2006, Anonymous Anónimo said...

Welcome back. You now have at least one loyal reader so keep it comin' babe

At 1:32 p. m., febrero 07, 2006, Blogger Carrie said...


Chalk it up for TWO, count 'um, TWO faithful readers.

At 3:04 p. m., febrero 08, 2006, Blogger Amy K said...

Welcome back! :)

At 9:43 a. m., febrero 09, 2006, Blogger jph said...

Ha! You're not getting off that easily!


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